Monday, December 31, 2012

So here I am... "mommy blogging"

It was 6pm , December 31st. 2012.

It seems surreal in many ways.  A year ago tonight I was a basket of nerves.  I was in the same house, with the same man, the same two dogs, and one less cat.  Back then the hubinator and I were "just dating".   I knew that we would celebrate New Years Eve and then, the next day, my life would change.  I hoped it would change for the better, but one way or the other, I knew with confidence it would never be the same again.  January 1, 2012 I would be meeting two kiddos-- his two kiddos.  We had talked about it for a while and I was reluctant.  When we had started dating (many many many months before that) we both had chosen not to rush into things and agreed that we didn't want to bring the kids into the mix until we were all but positive that he and I were pretty darn sure about where things were headed.   So, there we were,-- pretty darn sure about where things were headed, and having decided that what better way to start a new year, than with everyone together.  Boy oh boy I was nervous!

I've sort of already eluded to the fact that I'm still in the house-- and that he is now the hubinator, and we now have a cat ... clearly things didn't go too bad!  Things actually went really really well.  I am somewhat sure that my planning 365 many art-extravaganza, crafternoon-filled, treat-stuffed, baking-packed, valentine-egg-decorating, easter-basket-hunting, fourth-of-july-spectacular moments helped.  Regardless of the 'how I did it' though, it turns out that a year later I am now a thirty-one year old married woman with a house, husband, two dogs, cat, and two bonus kids.

So, while last year I was all full of nerves-- this year is a bit more peaceful around here.  The hubinator and I went out ran a few errands today, enjoyed an early dinner out, and are now enjoying a relaxing NYE in with a movie, watching the snow fall, and having some yummy snacks.  No nerves in this mamma's belly.  Tomorrow the kiddos will come back to us and I'll be celebrating my one year anniversary with them.  I'm pretty excited.  We'll be celebrating with one of their favorites- No baked chocolate cookies (made with gluten free oats of course for the kiddo with Celiac!)

With that, welcome to my blog.  I hope you'll come back every so often and read about the adventures of the Bonus Mom Chef-- lots of ups, and a few challenges that come along with being a bonus parent, and human in general.  (For those of you who are trying to figure out what the heck a bonus parent is, that is a post-in-itself coming soon... but it's an affectionate term that some families use instead of "step parent" :) ).

Wishing you all Health, Happiness, and Joy in 2013!!!