Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Comparing Pets and Children... Yup... I did it!

Life with dogs is never boring.

Goodness knows bonus kiddos keep you on your toes at all times too. This afternoon for example, I am reminded that they never let you forget to feed them,  The dogs!  I am talking about the dogs... the dogs never let me forget to feed them.  Honestly, I’m good about remembering to feed kiddo #1 and kiddo #2, I swear!  Although, they too are very much like the dogs in that the kiddos and the dogs both start begging for food hours before it’s meal time.  The difference is that the kiddos have snack time, the dogs do not.  The other difference is that the dogs eat their “dinner” at 3pm-- the kids are still at school lol!  

Alright, so at this point I can hear some of you already.  “She is
not comparing her (bonus) children to animals *GASP*!”  Yes.  I am.  That is right folks.  Getting married.  Becoming a bonus mom.  LOVING being a mom.  None of that has changed my opinio.  Nor has it caused me to have some sort of enlightenment or epiphany about the act of comparing children to pets.  

So to my dear friends and family who have gotten your underoos tangled over this in the past, readers who may be pulling at tangles from unmentionable places as I type now, and others, all or any of whom have hypothesized that it was because I was some sort of
*insert nasty term/adjective here*-single-childless-pet-owning-person and that I just didn’t understand that it was wrong.  Nope.  I love motherhood.  L.O.V.E. it.  I love motherhood down to the very fibers and cells that make up my being.  I love my bonus children more than life itself.  Some people can’t understand that, and that is ok.  Some people sometimes doubt how someone who didn’t physically birth a child could feel that way (note they don’t doubt it about parents of adopted children, or other non-traditional families, but only of step and blended families, but I digress).  Regardless, I know how I feel and I reassure you, there is nothing wrong intrinsically with comparing children and pet ownership.  There are differences, I don’t deny that.  And saying there are similarities doesn’t suddenly turn your child into flat faced, although undeniably adorable, little pugs with bulging eyeballs. If you think it does, perhaps the problem is not with me not following social parenting protocols, but with your insecurities of yourself and your child.  Oh, I wasn’t supposed to say that either, was I?  Ok, well then lets resume the topic I was discussing originally... how my bonus kids are like, and unlike, my dogs :).  

As I was about to say, unlike my bonus kiddos, our dogs will eat almost anything.  This includes things that aren’t supposed to be edible lol.  Like burnt rice.  Yesterday I attempted to cook some rice ahead of time because we had a 4:40pm appointment to be at, so I figured I’d cook everything, rice included, ahead of time, and then just heat dinner up again when we got back.  Of course, I was also trying to do everything else I needed to be doing, and as I often do when I’m not paying attention to rice, I burnt it.  I know, it’s an amazing skill.  I am not sure exactly how I burn rice so consistently either, it’s ok to be shaking your head right now, no judgement from me.  Sometimes I think I should begin to do experiments on things to do
only with burnt rice because... there has to be other people out there doing that if I am doing it, right?  I of course saved it, and asked the Hubinator to try it when he got home.  Such a lucky man, the Hubinator.  Usually he gets to try sauces, and stews, and chilis, and rice pilafs that taste yummy, but sometimes, I save him the stuff like burnt rice!  mmm Yu...ck!  The last time I did this, I scooped out the rice that looked normal and tried to pass it off.  It had that horrible taste that burnt popcorn has.  He didn’t fall for it.  Dinner was ruined.  This time I admitted what I had done, but asked him to taste it before I had to throw it all away.  Of course, it tasted horrible again.  Before I threw it away, he had the brilliant idea to save it and mix it in with the dog’s food.  The hubinator always has great ideas, but sometimes they really are out of this world original.  He knows I do not like to waste food, even when I have burnt it and no one would eat it.  And he knows I like to make my dogs happy.  He was really thinking this time.  I wouldn’t have thought of this one.  Rice doesn’t upset their tummies, but they still think they are getting some amazing people food.  Such a great idea!  And what a dog food-stretcher too.  That stuff is not cheap, so of course the thrifty part of Bonus Mom Chef also got all geeked out too!  This is where we get to this thing is not like the other.  That is, the kiddos would have never eaten it lol.  Not only did the dogs eat it today, they picked the rice out and stuck their noses up at the kibble as if it was burnt haha.  Oh, haha, I guess that is one way the dogs and the kids are the same; I bet if I had put kibble in front of the kiddos today, they would have also stuck their noses up in the air!  

Another way the dogs and kiddo #2 is the same... if you feed the dogs or kiddo #2 sausage... you should prepare to wear a gas mask that evening.  LOL!  

I like these comparisons as I often draw them and giggle because I know it’s taboo amongst some parenting crowds to do it.  I think I’ll make it a habit to continue these posts every so often :)   I hope you enjoyed :) If you compare your kids to your pets, drop me a comment and let me know how they are similar or different!  I can’t wait to hear your thoughts :)

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